Thursday, November 4, 2010

Paul Bennett finds design in the details | Video on

Paul Bennett finds design in the details | Video on

IDEO: branding, using the experiences of the people, putting ourselves in their position and use it to create our own design solutions.

Look at it completely from the view of the user to create an effective and successful Design.

Reconcile the needs of the company, individuals, as well as yourself as a designer.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I like to be in control of my day and schedule. This economy and semester is truly God's test of my patience and understanding. I don't know from day to day whether Im going to work or not. And never know what's coming up in my creative collaboration class...And who knows how long a design project is going to take. My time is up in the air and up for grabs...yet i seem to have free time because my two part time jobs don't even equal the amount of one right now. I need some money...:(
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I finally am getting my digital life together, organized and linked! i just wish i could transfer my harrington emails to my gmail account...:)
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